Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage

With current health pools soloing Molten core for  Gold/Recipes/Reputation/Legendaries is not a problem anymore. The biggest threat seems to be fall damage. Now that a heal no longer fills up all our health it makes Baron Geddon and Ragnaros more difficult than before 😀 While they aren’t really a challenge you can still minimize the incoming damage.

A couple of times players mention the fall damage in these encounters but there is an easy way to avoid it all. I have some screenshots with positioning.

„Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: Peparation, 25 Dailies to boost XP

cataclysm prep questmapIf you plan to  get to Level 85 as fast as possible you will most likely want to stock up quests to turn in. Once the XP gain is activated on December 7th you will be able to have a nice bunch of xp waiting for you.

A lot of things changed on the PTR, quests like „Sealed Vial of Poison“, „Damaged Necklace“, „XXX  Must Die!“ weekly raid quest no longer yield XP.

These selected quests will bring you roughly 35%-40% into Level 80 with minimal travel time.

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Total Gold Acquired: October 2010, 1 400 000 Gold

Lots of Gold!Happy Birthday Achievement System! It has been introduced exactly 2 years ago with the Pre-Wrath of the Lich King Patch. Aside new talents the new Achievements were highly anticipated. Countless achievements, have popped up since then.

A rather interesting feature is the statistics tab under achievements. It is a fine summary on your character’s stats and makes it very easy to track your gold flow.

People know that I made a lot of gold andare curious about the amount of gold I currently have. It is not as easy to say and thus I sum up the grand total once in a while.

„Total Gold Acquired: October 2010, 1 400 000 Gold“ weiterlesen

Personal: Helicopters

Alouette II

In 1991-1996 I have been part of the German Army Aviation Forces. I had the choice to waste 1 year of my life as conscript or actually get something back from the army. I decided to become offcier, helicopter pilot and study at the University of German Armed forces in Hamburg. Back then you had to sign up for 14 years for this career.

In 1994/1995 however I noticed that my real interest was computers and also my professor told me I was too intelligent to „waste my life in the army“ 😀
Fortunately the forces got reduced at the time and the Bundeswehr was happy for each pilot that was willing to go sooner. For economic reasons they decided to dust in 30% of their helicopters in order to have the reamining ones 10 years longer in service.

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