The Enhancement Shaman 4.0 Guide

Enhancement 4.0While Deathwing is going to break lose and tearing Azeroth apart the coming Cataclysm will bring many improvements for us Enhancement Shamans. Patch 4.0.1 will include many class changes while the world changes – the actual cataclysm will come live with patch 4.0.3 at a later date.

In a nutshell we get to choose more utility, get some glyph and ui enhancements which make the class more fun to play. Many changes are also coming statwise, many buffs get spread to more classes and we will get many changes to our Totems.

„The Enhancement Shaman 4.0 Guide“ weiterlesen

Personal: Helicopters

Alouette II

In 1991-1996 I have been part of the German Army Aviation Forces. I had the choice to waste 1 year of my life as conscript or actually get something back from the army. I decided to become offcier, helicopter pilot and study at the University of German Armed forces in Hamburg. Back then you had to sign up for 14 years for this career.

In 1994/1995 however I noticed that my real interest was computers and also my professor told me I was too intelligent to „waste my life in the army“ 😀
Fortunately the forces got reduced at the time and the Bundeswehr was happy for each pilot that was willing to go sooner. For economic reasons they decided to dust in 30% of their helicopters in order to have the reamining ones 10 years longer in service.

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Cataclysm: Archaeology Preview

Myrddin Archaeology SurveyArchaeology is the new secondary profession that you can learn in the upcoming World of Warcraft Expansion Cataclysm.

In a nutshell

There are archaeology sites marked as spades on the world map. To survey you travel to one of these dig sites (there are always 4) and use the survey skill to look for fragments. You’ll find a direction and range indicator in form of a scope with a red, yellow, green light to it.

„Cataclysm: Archaeology Preview“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: Epic Ride into the Maelstrom

epicus maximus undead on raptor on shark with lazerbeamsA few days ago I uploaded this video to YouTube. After completing Hyjal or Vashir you will reach Level 82 and be eligible to help Thrall at the Maelstrom.

When this area first opened players complained that this experience wasn’t epic enough and that they were disappointed. Then the Top people at Blizzard had a meeting on how to increase the epicness of the Maelstrom.

Enjoy this, you will be able to visit Thrall only once. I haven’t found a way to get back there again.

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Cataclysm: Fun Quest in Uldum

Uldum Fire Sphere QuestEven though Uldum is still closed in the latest Cataclysm Beta build it is possible to enter via the „back entrance“ in south western Tanaris, close to the descent to Un’goro Crater.

It is clearly visible that Uldum is still „work in progress“ and it is pretty much empty for now. However while poking around I found a single Quest and just had to test it out.

At first I though „WTF is this ?!?!?“ as I turned into a glowing ball of fire!

„Cataclysm: Fun Quest in Uldum“ weiterlesen