Wildstar Social System Concepts

Victoria Dollbaum Social Systems Designer WildStar

Since the very first moment that Jeremy Gaffney talked about being the first MMO with a special social designer I have wondered what this person’s job was. To be honest I am not a real fan of facebook/twitter and co and I feared that it was some useless connect to these kind of social networks. Fortunately This week’s Wildstar Wednesday clears things up for us.

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Wildstar Friends and Family Video

The past weeks I have totally been sucked into Diablo, driving back his forces to hell. Nothing has been able to get me away from the game so far, even my World of Warcraft subscription ran out (finally). But this week I got a mail from Carbine with a preview of todays Wildstar Wednesday and I was totally blown away. If you recall my rant about Wildstar Wednesdays and suggestions on how to improve them you will realize that this week they show how I always imagined them!

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