Enhancement Shaman vs Hydross the Unstable

Hydross the Unstable is the first boss in Serpent Shrine Caverns, Zangar Marsh, Outlands. My quest to solo raid encounters brought me to SSC last week already to kill „The Lurker Below“. I hesitated a bit to try other bosses since they seem to have mechanics that make these fights somewhat tricky.
Hydross seemed the easiest, but it turned out I underestimated the fight a tiny bit 😀

„Enhancement Shaman vs Hydross the Unstable“ weiterlesen

Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage

With current health pools soloing Molten core for  Gold/Recipes/Reputation/Legendaries is not a problem anymore. The biggest threat seems to be fall damage. Now that a heal no longer fills up all our health it makes Baron Geddon and Ragnaros more difficult than before 😀 While they aren’t really a challenge you can still minimize the incoming damage.

A couple of times players mention the fall damage in these encounters but there is an easy way to avoid it all. I have some screenshots with positioning.

„Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage“ weiterlesen