Myrddin receives Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake

I had spent weeks camping one of his spawn spots but never had the luck to get him to spawn for me. during the time I have been able to take down Vyragosa (rumors are that the Time-Lost Proto-Drake is a rare spawn of Vyragosa) a good 12-15 times but it was always others who ended up finding the Proto-Drake. Christmas however seemed like the perfect opportunity to camp Storm Peaks. Indeed noona had been online 24th-25th at night and I was able to get him.

Myrddin receives Ashes of Al’ar

Countless kills were needed, but finally Ashes of Al’ar dropped! We have been duoing TK with FS for quite some time when we finally got lucky – me a bit more than FS 😀 In all the years since TBC it was only the second mount that dropped for us. First one went to Nhiha, on his first and only run since TBC 😀

Crazy Sales

I know people are always doubting if my business model in wow really works. What I am doing it to keep stuff at a high price at the auction house and never undercut anyone. In fact my prices are often 5-8 times higher than normal and people often write me nice mails that I am crazy … but what can I say … it works!

„Crazy Sales“ weiterlesen

Enhancement Shaman solos Gruul’s Lair

There have been quite a number of suggestions where I should try to solo High King Maulgar and Gruul in Gruul’s Lair, Blades Edge Mountains. Yes, I am aware it has been done before and it is not the biggest challenge, but it isn’t super easy either. I think I tried last winter but failed and did not have much motivation to develop a strategy for it, when there were so many more interesting encounters to do 😀 Current gear level makes this encounter rather easy though.

„Enhancement Shaman solos Gruul’s Lair“ weiterlesen