Metal Maw – Lore and Animations

Today we get an update on Metal Maw, a few new animations and the lore behind this boss. If you want to learn how the Eldan bio-engineered Metal Maw then read on!


So far we have learnt that Metal Maw has been altered by the ancient Race of Eldan. Scientists have uncovered that Metal Maw was an attempt to create an aggressive cybernetic organism that could be used in a wide range of environments. Creation of Metal Maw was however only one step of an even larger experiment. Even larger?!?!?

Wildstar Online has a lot more background information on their recent Wildstar Wednesday post here.


Long ago Robert „robeardo“ Land was so excited to hear players reactions

(2011-10-05 20:57:24) Myrddin: cool more metal maw! he starts to look terryfiyng
(2011-10-05 20:59:52) Robeardo: I cannot wait to hear people tell stories of how badly he destroyed them!


3 Antworten auf „Metal Maw – Lore and Animations“

  1. Thanks! Metal Maw for the win! I recall Robeardo beig excited about Metal
    Maw: (2011-10-05 20:57:24) Myrddin: cool more metal maw! he starts to look
    terryfiyng Robeardo: I cannot wait to hear people tell stories of how badly
    he destroyed them! 😀

  2. I *really* hate being ignored, it’s very rude not to answer someone when
    they ask you a question, so answer this! So, what happened to the Beta
    applications we filled out in late 2011/early 2012…now that you’ve
    brought out „new“ apps?!

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