State of Enhancement Shamans – Beta Build 15662

The last few builds did not have any major changes for Enhancement Shamans, nothing worthy a full post at least. But after 3 builds without comment I decided to share some of the experiences. The Beta Realms have been quite unstable. Crashes, lag-spikes, timeouts in minute intervals. Its slowly affecting motivation of experienced beta testers. Usually Blizzard is quite fast on fixing such builds, hence the delay on this post.

„State of Enhancement Shamans – Beta Build 15662“ weiterlesen

WoW 64-bit Client now available!

With 1 day delay Blizzard published the 64-bit windows and apple client today. The installation is quite easy – in fact it seemed almost too easy, but it works perfectly fine.

By using this new client you can expect improved performance in various ways. My PC seems to load faster, WoW seems to have stopped stuttering in raid encounters (with lots of combat parsing) and it seems the load is slightly lower.

„WoW 64-bit Client now available!“ weiterlesen

How to get the most out of LFR

Patch 4.3 introduced the perfect way to raid for your alts, looking for raid – lfr. Personally I enjoy having the possibility to raid a bit with my alts, even with low experience or bad gear. You don’t need to be in a guild, there is no pressure with consumables or people raging on vt – just plain simple and kind of fun raiding. It helped me improve my skills and motivated me enough to level up 2 of my alts I haven’t touched since vanilla. But how do we use the LFR system to our advantage?

„How to get the most out of LFR“ weiterlesen

Caution with Patch 1.2

Just a quick note: Bethesday has released Patch 1.2 for Skyrim, which is primary supposed to fix some bugs. However there appear many reports – e.g. at – who mention a lot of new issues. For example bugged UI, issues with savegames, problems with npcs. Maybe it is better to wait for another update.
A New Patch has been released!