So… yesterday was my birthday and I was really surprised by all your direct me…

So... yesterday was my birthday and I was really surprised by all your direct me...

So… yesterday was my birthday and I was really surprised by all your direct messages 😄
I am not sure I would write down the birthdays of people I follow.
As a little Thank You here is my favorite Ninja picture. No not because I am on it, but can You see his face? It just says I adore You ❤️
Usually I keep those selfies well hidden and as I do not fit the general Instagram profile I thought about editing the picture a bit, to get rid of the grey hair, the rings under my eyes, and make myself a little lighter 😄
But then it would not be me… this is as You would meet me. So… Here I am.
We safely returned from our survival training on Friday but I must have gotten a food poisoning. As soon as I arrived back home I had fever, shivers, headaches and then my stomach revolted… I actually wanted to post something yesterday but it took all my focus to edit the little story videos from our survival training.
The idea was a scenario where we used to boat to get into the wilderness and have to stay out and build a shelter. Ninja found some wild boar and if his recall would not work so reliable – I mean he is already dashing off – he might have hunted after the boar 🐗 and get hurt or killed.
So we build a stretcher and started building a shelter, because a thunderstorm was coming… and it really was, You will see in the follow-up😄
I am still having a bit of temperature and headache, spent a whole lot of the night on the bath tub but overall I feel as if I have the worst behind me.
Hope you like this little anecdote and the story videos 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

[Anzeige] Als Kind hat mich das Buch von Jack London, „Ruf der Wildnis“ faszini…

 Als Kind hat mich das Buch von Jack London, „Ruf der Wildnis“ faszini...

Als Kind hat mich das Buch von Jack London, „Ruf der Wildnis“ fasziniert. Es geht dabei um einen Hund, der ein unbeschwertes Leben als „guter Hund“ führt, bis er gestohlen und zur Arbeit als Schlittenhund gezwungen wird.
Ich möchte diese wundervolle Geschichte des Erwachsenwerdens des jungen Hundes „Buck“ gar nicht weiter spoilern, denn der Film #rufderwildnis von @20thcenturystudiosde kommt nächste Woche Donnerstag (ab 20.02.2020) in die deutschen Kinos. Dort könnt (solltet 😉) ihr ihn Euch selbst ansehen 😊😊
Da Buck in der Geschichte viele Gefahren und Hindernisse meistern muss, habe ich mich gefragt wie gut ich mit Ninja in der Wildnis zurechtkäme.
Wie ich nur zu gern erwähne, bin ich sehr gerne in abgelegenen Gebieten unterwegs. Ich genieße es alleine unterwegs zu sein, doch wie könnte ich bei einem Notfall zusammen mit Ninja zurechtkommen?
Aus diesem Grund habe ich zusammen mit Ninja an dem Survival Training von @taffetoelen und der Survival-Schule Malente teilgenommen. .
Hierbei sind wir durch die Wildnis gelaufen, haben Hindernisse überwunden, Werkzeuge, Waffen und Fallen hergestellt. Wir haben einen Unterstand gebaut, ein Lagerfeuer entzündet, eine Kochstelle aufgebaut und ein Lagerfeuer angezündet.
Ganz besonders stolz bin ich auf Ninja, der überall von morgens bis abends sehr gut mitgearbeitet hat. Es machte ihm sichtlich Spaß gemeinsam in der Natur herumzustöbern und ich konnte mich jederzeit auf seine Sinne verlassen. Er zeigte zuverlässig Wild an und lies sich hervorragend kontrollieren.
Man konnte sehen, dass Ninja teils unsicher war. Doch das gemeinsame Bestehen der Prüfungen hat ihn auch bei schwierigen Situationen zu seinem Selbstvertrauen finden lassen. Ich bin ja sowieso ein großer Fan von gemeinsamen Aktionen. Mit dem Hund zusammen etwas zu erleben ist in meinen Augen ein Grundpfeiler der Bindung Mensch Hund. Dies ist ja letztendlich auch Kern der Geschichte.


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

I simply love to hike by myself or with close people. When I meet someone, I usu…

I simply love to hike by myself or with close people. When I meet someone, I usu...

I simply love to hike by myself or with close people. When I meet someone, I usually get these questions:
. “What breed of dog is Ninja?” “Are You sure he is no wolf?” “He does not look like any Husky I have seen! Don`t Huskies have Blue Eyes?” “Isn`t it too hot in Germany for Huskies?” “how long do You need to walk them each day?”
While I generally do not mind answering them – and I did so 2500+ days – I learned to enjoy to 3nkoy the moment, to focus on Ninja, the hike and the pictures.
Sometimes we walk for hours without meeting anyone at all.
I use back roads, then follow locals when they take a weird turn into the hills. I have discovered the best places this way.
Often there is neither cell phone coverage nor people. For Germany, which is a densely populated country, this is quite remarkable.
Hiking alone also has drawbacks.
As an ex soldier, Officer the German Army Aviation Forces 🚁, I was very well trained. Aside navigation we were also trained in camouflage, First Aid and the likes. The kind of stuff You need to know to survive behind enemy lines…
I used this knowledge in civil life to tend injured, unconscious people. But many years have passed since the training and my knowledge is fading.
Especially considering my companion Ninja was not covered by the training at all. Lots of things can happen, getting impaled by a branch, a broken leg, being attacked by wildlife or other accidents.
This is one of the reasons why I am – right now – heading to North-Germany, Holstein Switzerland for a survival training with Ninja, where we learn to work together as a team.
How can I manage with Ninja, far out… alone…? Can I take care of him? What if he is hurt? What can I learn from him? Can I make use of Ninjas senses? How can we overcome obstacles?
I always loved stories that took place in wilderness. Stories about nature, survival, companionship, especially when they included dogs or wolves. Stories about overcoming harsh situations as a team. .
Are You prepared for “emergency situations”? Which companion do You wish to have at Your side? What is your favorite story?


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

People often think Ninja is such a serious dog, because I live his serious face …

People often think Ninja is such a serious dog, because I live his serious face ...

People often think Ninja is such a serious dog, because I live his serious face so much.
He is happy, cheerful and just the kind of goofball you could expect of a calm hudky.
Here watch him in motion 🐺💨🐾🐾🐾
I am just letting him run around, encourage him to move on, as well as let him look for the leash once. Maybe you can find the pounce on his harness… Did You?
I also like his digging, he does it so rarely that I am happy each time he does 😊



ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Now that we are back I finally caught up on paperwork. Got some really …

Now that we are back I finally caught up on paperwork. Got some really ...

Now that we are back I finally caught up on paperwork. Got some really project waiting for us in North Germany next week. Can’t wait to tell You about it 😊
We have beautiful weather outside. Bright blue sky and the hills at the horizon are covered in snow. It is fresh, but the sun casts warming rayy on us.
The dogs are outside and enjoy weather. Even Ninja who prefers to stay inside naps in the balcony. I like that.
The amazing weather seems to draw crowds of people up here though. All the time passerbys stop to look for the dogs and take pictures.
They usually do not mind unless they have dogs with them.
Maybe I will drive somewhere for a walk after posting this 😊 I bet the dogs would love a walk.
Have a great day 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Which is my favorite picture? . I do not have a very favorite picture. There are…

Which is my favorite picture?
I do not have a very favorite picture. There are...

Which is my favorite picture?
I do not have a very favorite picture. There are many pictures that I like very much. They help me to relive the moment and make me smile.
One of the details that I like e.g. in this picture is ‚Ninja in a happy mood‘. He is happy and expectantly waiting for me to say something to him and eager to follow along.
You can see the tension and energy with his wagging tail. When his tail is curled like this there is a lot of momentum and energy.
The massive amount of snow will make Ninja put his ears back in order to protect them. At the same time he is eager enough that he puts his other ear up, a bit at least, to make sure he can hear what I will be going to tell him next.
Also look at his happy face ❤️
I loved the day. The snow was a huge surprise in early December and it was snowing a lot. I also made a little video of Ninja goofing around that day. He loved it as much as I did 😊
So, while it is not my favorite picture, I can relive all the positive vibes that went along. Maybe you can see some of this as well. Did You notice any of these afore mentioned details?


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Hope You are all prepared for the weekend. We just returned to our friends clos…

Hope You are all prepared for the weekend. We just returned to our friends  clos...

Hope You are all prepared for the weekend. We just returned to our friends @kaihu_und_hadez close to Basel and possibly we will be on our next trip through Germany very soon.
People often ask me, if I like driving so much. I love to see the huge variety of landscapes in our beautiful Europe. I grew up a stone’s throw away from France, in the South West of Germany… We traveled all over Europe to go skiing and for summer vacations, but I loved to accompany my grandfather who was a salesman and traveled the south of Germany by car each week. Black Forest, Lake Constance, Stuttgart… I loved to spend my time on the road.
Later on as a soldier, my gf lived far away, I traveled huge distances again and even more so as an IT Consultant later on.
As I had my previous husky with me we would stop for a walk whenever we saw a cool place and I liked that.
Even now it does give me leave of mind when I travel those back roads through the Black Forest.
I am looking forward to drive to St. Blasien tonight, to pick up our new delivery of BARF at Frank’s mother.
Even the thought of driving through the Albtal makes me smile. I am eagerly looking forward to discover all the little changes from my last trip.
So, I love driving and especially long distance driving. One day I will travel through Scotland or Scandinavia in a van. That would be really nice.
For today my little trip through the Black Forest will suffice 😊
What brings you peace of mind? Where would You like to travel? Are You a van life persona or do you prefer a hotel?


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

We reunited the pack after a 2 week absence. I was a little worries if Hadez and…

We reunited the pack after a 2 week absence. I was a little worries if Hadez and...

We reunited the pack after a 2 week absence. I was a little worries if Hadez and Ninja would have a rough start, but my fear was totally unfounded.
They were super happy to have us back. Hadez greeted me thoroughly with lots of kisses, so impatient I hardly had the possibility to get my stuff on the ground 😊
Ninja is also happy to be back and has finally eaten well again. I think it was because of a female in heat,he was often moaning and complaining when we heard other dogs pass by and he was sniffing a lot more than usually 😊
I can see snow at the mountains in the distance, but last night the engine if the car failed and can’t drive there.
Hopefully I will be able to make some new pictures soon.
Ninja was posing in front of our pack walk and I am alwaYs happy when directing him from a distance works as good as here 😊 There was some barking and Ninja wanted to see what was going on 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram