Epic Netherdrake Mount as reward for Top Arena Team!

AtomicPC reports that the Epic Netherdrake Mount is going to be the reward for the quarterly Top Arena Teams. This is seems to be for sure a very nice reward! You can read the whole Article here or just read the excerpt about the Arena below.

The Arena:

Not everyone wants to raid, but everyone wants top items. Previously raids and quests were the only way to get top items. To give players something cool to do to get those items without the ‘grind’, Blizzard is introducing the Arena system.

Tom Chilton explains the workings: ‘With BC the Arena system gives rewards on par with the best you’ll find in the rest of the game. Any time we start new raids, we’ll start a new Arena season that gives us the opportunity to add a new set of Arena rewards to keep up with that. Each season lasts three months, and at the end of that, based on your position on the ladder, each person in the top team is going to receive an Epic armored Netherdrake mount.’

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