It has been a wonderful sunny, springtime weekend. We met our friends and who …

It has been a wonderful sunny, springtime weekend. We met our friends @kaihu_und_hadez and who visited us the third time already.
The past weeks were very tense for me as many important decisions about my life are being made without a lot of control from my side.
As teased already I have waited for an diagnose for Asperger for a good 14 months now and had the major appointment at an designated psychiatrist for autism in adults.
When I was young, autism had a stigmata and even though I grew up in a boarding school and had been in the army no one noticed it, or tended to overlook this on purpose.
I still have to wait 2-5 weeks for the proper paperwork, but have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. I cannot express how much of an relief it is to finally have certainty 😊
I wonder how my life would have been if I had been properly diagnosed as a kid… but then… I like my life, with all it’s quirks 😊 I have Ninja 🐺 ❤️ amazing friends 👥 who were always there for me – despite the difficulties. Thank You all 😊😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

12 Antworten auf „It has been a wonderful sunny, springtime weekend. We met our friends and who …“

  1. @marvelous.motte Es gibt Tests im Internet, die bei der Einschätzung helfen ob es sich lohnt eine Diagnose zu machen, oder nicht. Wie geschrieben dauert es 12-14 Monate zur Zeit um dann tatsächlich einen Termin zu bekommen.

  2. @ninja.vom.wolfstor Ja das dauert ja leider häufiger mal was. Hat es auch schon als ich vor Jahren mal Praktikum da im Büro gemacht hab. Ein paar Test hab ich im Internet auch schon gemacht und bin mir im Grunde auch sehr sicher bei meiner Vermutung aber die Bestätigung wäre schon echt schön. Mal sehen, wenn ich weiß wie es nach dem Sommer weiter geht

  3. Oh das Problem kenne ich zu gut. Leider wurden bei mir als Kind auch zwei Dinge nicht erkannt und ja einiges wäre „vielleicht“ einfacher gewesen, wann ich richtig therapiert worden wäre….

  4. Michael, you are so talented and smart and a gifted writer and best friend to Ninja. I am in the US and have recently been watching Parenthood, a tv show where one of the male children had Aspenger. It was so enlightening and educational to watch the child’s family deal with this gifted boy and I learned so much. The boy was very interested in photography, like you, and it was a fascinating story. You and Ninja are both special and I am glad for you that you finally have a definite diagnosis. You are very talented and gifted and a lovely person.

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